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We Live Security – Interop: Getting a few more years out of your tech

Remember when a 100 Gigabyte hard drive was huge? I try not to think about it, but I also remember when no one could figure out what to do with a hard drive “that large”. Except we did. Now if you only have a 1 Terabyte hard drive we feel slightly sorry for you. Same thing with networks. It used to be that your 10/100 Mbit/s network would do all you ever needed. Times have changed.

The problem is back then you wired your building thinking no one could ever need to go faster than 100 Mbit/s, and certainly not 1 Gbps for basically as long as you were alive. But it happened. Now there’s a new technology to get your old cabling you’ve strung thousands of feet of to go faster than a Gbps. 2.5 to 5 times in fact.

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