UC News – Netgear at CES 2019: Multi-Gig Cable Modems and Armor Cybersecurity Service Updates
Netgear has a couple of interesting consumer products-related announcements at CES 2019 – one related to their cable modem lineup, and the other related to the Armor cybersecurity service offering.
Back at CES 2017, Netgear had . In that, I had mentioned that the Ethernet port for connecting the downstream router was still 1 Gbps, and hence, not taking full advantage of the capabilities of the Broadcom chipset. In any case, it was a moot point since there were no consumer routers capable of handling multi-gig ports (NBASE-T, or, even just link-aggregated WAN ports). Forward to 2019, the scenario is a little bit different. Netgear’s own RAX80 (as well as a number of 802.11ax routers from other vendors) now come with multiple ports that can be link-aggregated for a WAN uplink (or, even just a 2.5 Gbps WAN port). This led Netgear to introduce the CM1100 cable modem (a Costco exclusive) in Q4 2018. The CM1100 was the first modem from Netgear to support dual gigabit Ethernet ports. However, it was not compatible with cable-bundled voice services. Read more here.